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Event info

The X-Lakes is a hike and fly, vol-biv challenge run by pilots for pilots.
The event is a 'Not for Profit' ; raising funds for local charities and is run in conjunction with the Lakes Charity Classic competition.

Expand page for more details

Flying site

The X-Lakes Challenge is a ‘hike and fly’ event, where you create your own adventure in the Fells of the Lake District. In June 2023 the start is from Grasmere Sports Field.

The English Lake District is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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  • 24 Pilots Confirmed
  • 24 Pilots total registered
  • 80 GBP Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 50 Pilots max allowed
  • 4 Countries presented
  • ✅ EN-D & below allowed
    ❌ CCC wings prohibited
  • This is not an FAI sanctioned event
  • left before start of event
  • Registration will open on
    21/01 18:00 (Europe/London)

  • 🛰️

    The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring

    Live trackers supplied
  • 📱

    The region generally has good phone coverage

    Good phone coverage
  • 🛰️

    Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. The organiser will provide the trackers.

    Live trackers mandatory
  • 🛰

    The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring

    Tracklogs managed
  • 🎉

    There will be an organised party during or after the event

  • 🎵

    There will be live music or a DJ at the event

    Live music


Event info

The X-Lakes is a hike and fly, vol-biv challenge run by pilots for pilots.
The event is a 'Not for Profit' ; raising funds for local charities and is run in conjunction with the Lakes Charity Classic competition.

Please explore the X-Lakes website for details of prior events

EVENT ETHOS: https://x-lakes.uk/x-lakes-the-ethos/

RISK STATEMENT: https://x-lakes.uk/x-lakes-challenge-risk-statement/

SIGN TO FLY: https://x-lakes.uk/wp-content/docs/NOTICE_OF_ASSUMPTION_OF_RISK-SIGN_TO_FLY.pdf (a signed copying is required at the time of collecting your tracker)

Flying site

The X-Lakes Challenge is a ‘hike and fly’ event, where you create your own adventure in the Fells of the Lake District. In June 2023 the start is from Grasmere Sports Field.

The English Lake District is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With open fell tops and wide valley bottoms it is an ideal arena for hike and fly. The challenge involves ‘bagging’ as many of the 1,000-foot Wainwright Fells as possible, either by foot or paraglider.

The 2-day “Hardcore” Challenge is an approximately 22-hour race. Timings will be confirmed by the Task Committee immediately prior to the race but competitors should plan to start from 8 am Friday and race until 4pm on Saturday, resting between 9pm and 7am on Friday night. The start and finish location are defined but the route and flying choices are entirely the choice of the participant.

Selection and entry fee

The X-Lakes Entry Process
Pilots must pre-register. Participants should self-certify that they hold the BHPA ‘Pilot rating’ (or the International Pilot Proficiency Information (IPPI) level 4) in order to enter the two-day ‘Hardcore’ event. Decision making can be very challenging when fatigue kicks in!

A maximum of 50 places are available for the two-day ‘Hardcore’ X-Lakes challenge.

If they apply, the previous years’ top ten (as per results listed on the website) will be automatically offered an option for a place to compete in the two-day Challenge event. The three top-placed competitors in the previous year’s one-day ‘Academy’ event will also be offered an option to participate in the two-day ‘Hardcore’ Challenge event if they want to take part.

The remaining places in the two-day ‘Hardcore’ Challenge event will then be awarded on the basis of a ballot after entries have been submitted. The organisers will reserve five places as wildcard positions to be awarded at their discretion.

The one-day ‘Academy’ event will run on the Friday. Please don’t try to register for both. The two events are targeted at different pilots. One-day, ‘Academy’ pilots can also register for entry in one of the LCC competition events. Unfortunately, two-day ‘Hardcore’ Challenge registrants will have to wait to see if they are successful in the ballot, but, if unsuccessful, then entry into one of the LCC events is an option for them too.

If successful entrants will be invited to make their charitable donation. If they fail to do so then their place will be offered to another pilot.

Your entry fee is a charitable donation:
♦ Payment will be made by Paypal. Details will be sent by email if your application to participate is accepted.
♦ If you receive a payment offer you should pay immediately, otherwise we will offer your place to another pilot on the waiting list.
♦ Do ensure you have read the cancellation policy before making any payment!

Documents required at registration

  • The FAI IPPI card is an International card that states your skill level. It is issued by your National Association and matches the level or your flying Licence

    FAI IPPI Card
  • The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.

    National Licence
  • You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Application form
  • You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Waiver/Release form

Cancellation Policy

If entrants wish to cancel their entry, then there will be no refund of the charitable donation.

If the organisers have to cancel more than four weeks prior to the event, then all payments (less the PayPal booking fees) will be offered for refund although entrants may opt to allow their unused entry fee to go forward for donation to charity.

Both events will proceed regardless of the weather.

Prize fund and scoring categories

Entrants will carry trackers and a live leaderboard will collate the scoring. We aim to conclude the scoring of the two-day race by 6pm on the Saturday. Prize-giving will follow and race supporters are invited to join the pilots for a meal which is included in your entry.

The Hardcore event awards a trophy for the overall highest score. A further trophy is awarded to the highest scoring competitor in the Vol Biv class. A ‘Jo-median’ prize will also be provided for the person coming in the mid-field position in the two-day event to recognise the value of simply taking part in the X-Lakes challenge!

There is a prize draw open to all entrants.

A final prize will also be awarded for the best event photograph shared with the organisers (which pilots/supporters/fans agree can be used to help promote the event in future years).

General schedule

Thursday 15th June, 2023
1600-1900 : Official Registration and equipment inspection
1900 : Opening muster and overview briefing

Friday 16th June 2023
0700 : Mandatory Safety Briefing and Tracker collection
0800 : Hardcore Day1 Hike and Fly start
2000 : Land by time
2100 : Day1 stop

Saturday 17th June 2023
0700 : Hardcore Day2 Hike and Fly restarts from within 400m of Day1 finish.
1600 : Finish and countdown point deduction.
1700 : Time out (negating all score)
Thereafter relax and rest. Rehydrate over a beer, compare adventures, tell stories and refuel at the catering station.
1800 : Event meal
1900 : Official scores and trophy awards. Prize draw and raffle.

Daily schedule

2-Day Hardcore Challenge Schedule :

All competitors will be welcomed to registration from 4pm, followed by an optional event briefing at 7pm on the Friday evening immediately prior to the event. During the briefing the Task Committee and organisers will discuss local weather and possible route options. The technical support team will demonstrate the tracking systems and the safety support systems will be discussed. Pilots must share this information with their supporter.

Competitors are required to report for the compulsory race safety briefing at the event venue, at 7.00am on the Friday of the event. The Task Committee may elect to start the briefing at 6am in which case all participants will be informed by SMS/group chat facility.
The race will begin between 7.30 and 8.00am. Any change to this plan will be shared by SMS/group chat facility.
During race hours, the pilot can only elect to walk or fly. No other form of transport is allowed.
A compulsory over-night rest period begins at 9.00pm on Friday. All competitors need to stop flying by 8pm (obligatory land-by time) and report in their last position to the event organisers by 9pm.
Pilots should attempt to send a text message “OK” after their 9pm end-of-day, to help assure the race organisers and their supporter of their safety.
During the night, the pilot can choose to either camp out, vol-biv style, or to spend the night in a hotel, house, van etc. During the obligatory rest period, from 9pm Friday until 7am Saturday, the pilot can move using any form of transport.

Competitors who carry all their own kit and whom spend the night out in the hills with no support will be deemed to be competing in the vol-biv competition. Pilots must self-declare if they are camping out, vol-biv style.

At 7am on the following day, the pilot must then report back to within 400 meters of the place they left on the previous day, where they can continue the race. While they must start from within 400m of the spot they were at the previous evening, they must not start until 7am, but can choose to leave later.

The 2-day event finishes at 4.00pm on Saturday. Late finishers will be treated as follows:
– 10 points will be deducted from the pilot score for each ten minutes of lateness. The 1st second past 4pm results in 10 points being deducted, 20 at 10 minutes and 1 second, up to 60 points at 4:50 and 1 second.
– Over an hour late scores zero.
For the remaining points to be valid for scoring, all competitors must report back to the event HQ before 5pm on the Saturday at the latest.
In any case where a competitor cannot make it back by 5pm on Saturday they must call in and report back by this time. However, all their race points will be forfeited.
Any competitor may quit the race any time. However, they must inform the event organisers of it and must return their race tracker to the event HQ. Failure to report quitting or return their tracker could disbar the participant from future events!!

Accommodation and Activities

Run in conjunction with the Lakes Charity Classic at Grasmere Sportsfield we are allowed to camp there and to park vehicles. Modestly sized motorhomes and caravans are welcomed too. No booking for camping is required and all campers are asked to pay on arrival at the gate.

There are excellent camping facilities available with men and women’s showers and toilets, although there are no electric hookups for campervans.

If you prefer stone walls around you, then Grasmere has a number of hotels and B&Bs of various grades and there is a local YHA in the village. We recommend a search via Booking.com

How to get here

The map below shows event HQ / Grasmere Sports Field location.

Please follow this link for a map of Wainwrights:

1 Stock Ln, Grasmere, Ambleside LA22 9SJ, UK
Grasmere United Kingdom


Waypoint files





Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
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