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Event info
Bayramören XC Open 2022 is also Turkish Nationals event. Will be held as a Fai approved Cat2 event between 02-07 July 2022 in Bayramören district of Çankırı province. Bayramören, which hosted many paragliding competitions between 2008 and 2015, is also the starting point where the first Turkish open distance record was broken.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Bayramören is situated about 100 km far from the Black Sea and known as one of the best XC flying sites in Turkey. It is located in Cankırı Province in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey not far from Ankara.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Registration will open on
20/04 00:00 (Europe/Istanbul)
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Good phone coverage
The region generally has good phone coverage
Radio coverage
We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly
Launch Transport
There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch
Toilets on takeoff
There are toilets at, or near, the launch
Tracklogs managed
The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Ballast on takeoff
There will be ballast water available at launch
Lunch packs
There will be daily lunch packs for pilots
Maps are supplied
The organisers will give you printed maps at registration
ID Cards
The organisers will give you an ID card with all the essential items listed
Goal beers
There will usually be goal beers for winners
There will be a social evening with food
There will be an organised party during or after the event
Live music
There will be live music or a DJ at the event
Free gift
You will receive a tshirt or other welcome gift
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall
- Female
- Sports
- Clubs
Meet Director
- Semih SAYIR
- semihsayir@gmail.com
- +905425251370
- alidemiron@hotmail.com
Event info
Bayramören XC Open 2022 is also Turkish Nationals event. Will be held as a Fai approved Cat2 event between 02-07 July 2022 in Bayramören district of Çankırı province. Bayramören, which hosted many paragliding competitions between 2008 and 2015, is also the starting point where the first Turkish open distance record was broken. There will be registration and training flights on July 02, and competition flights for 5 days, July 03-07.
Selection and entry fee
The total number of participants is 80 pilots.
Participation is determined in the following order:
1. National team athletes,
2. Turkish WPRS Rankings top 30,
3. Pilots who have finished at least one Cat2 open-distance comp in the first 20% in 2019/2020/2021.
4. Pilots who have flown at least one 50+ km in 2019/2020/2021.
Note: Pilots who have not been flying in any open-distance competition may not participate in this competition even if they have references from experienced pilots.
International pilots must be either top 1250 on WPRS rankings or must score on top 1/3 in overall of any FAI Cat 2 competitions in 2019/2020/2021.
5 places are reserved for wildcards.
Top 500 of WPRS can register any time with the payment of entry fee.
Payment before 13 June 2022, Entry fee is EUR 70.
Payment after 14 June 2022, Entry fee is EUR 80.
Pilots qualified, who will be in ''Waiting Payment'' status, should pay by bank transfer after receiving bank details for payment via email.
Unfortunately, PayPal is not active in Turkey. PayPal is not an option.
Wise can be used to pay. In this case, send 77 Euro net for WISE transfer.
You should pay in USDT coin. In this case, please contact me first.
EURO IBAN TR560001500158048021078797
TL IBAN TR820001500158007290453573
All money transfer costs belong to the competitor. The local bank charges 5 Euros for Swift transfers. If this cost has not been collected from you by your own bank, please send 75 Euros. Exactly 70 Euros must be credited to the organization's account. If the full competition fee is not paid, the application will not be approved.
When paid, please send your receipts to alidemiron@hotmail.com for confirmation.
Pilot Requirements:
• SGM Sporting License for national Pilots (to be checked)
• FAI Sporting Licence for non-national Pilots (to be checked)
• National Licence for international Pilots
• Signed Application form
• Signed Waiver/Release form
• Identification documents needed
• Liability Insurance
• Rescue/Medical Insurance (covering Turkey is mandatory)
Equipment Requirements:
Glider Classification: EN, CCC
Certified Harness
GPS which records a 3D tracklog and cables
2m radio
Your own Live Tracking device
Smartphone installed WhatsApp
Extra battery pack
Transportation to takeoff
Lunch pack
Retrieve from main roads and junctions
Event dinner
Trophies and Closing ceremony
Documents required at registration
FAI Sporting Licence
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)
National Licence
The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.
Signed Application form
You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Signed Waiver/Release form
You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Identification documents needed
You will need to provide photo ID on arrival. This could be Passport, Driving Licence or National ID, for example.
Liability Insurance
You must provide the organiser with a copy of your liability (3rd party) insurance documents
Rescue/Medical Insurance
You must provide the organiser with a copy of your medical, rescue and repatriation insurance. You can purchase Global Rescue cover from Airtribune
Cancellation Policy
No Refund after this date.
If competition is postponed or cancelled from the organizer due to Covid 19 or force majeure, the registration fee minus 20€ will be refunded. Transfer costs and/or intermediary bank fees will be cut from refund.
Please ensure you have adequate holiday travel insurance to cover any losses.
Prize fund and scoring categories
1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Women in the competition
1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Clubs in the competition
1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Sports class in the competition (EN A / EN B / EN C)
Competition Awards
1st: Overall, Women, Sport class in the competition Huawei Watch GT2
2st: Overall, Women, Sport class in the competition Huawei Freebuds 4İ bluetooth kulaklık
3st: Overall, Women, Sport class in the competition Powerbank Set (Powerbank, usb touch screen pen, phone holder, speaker, cables)
1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked - Clubs in the competition trophy and medal
Yarışma Ödülleri
1.lik Ödülü Genel Klasman, Kadınlar ve Sport Klasman İçin Huawei Watch GT2
2.lik Ödülü Genel Klasman, Kadınlar ve Sport Klasman İçin Huawei Freebuds 4İ bluetooth kulaklık
3.lik Ödülü Genel Klasman, Kadınlar ve Sport Klasman İçin Powerbank Seti (Powerbank, usb dokunmatik ekran kalemi, telefon tutucu, hoparlör, kablolar)
1., 2. ve 3. Kulüp sıralaması - kupa ve madalya alan
General schedule
08:00 – 22:00 : Registration and GPS Upload
10:00 : Transport to Takeoff
12:30 – 17:00 : Training Flights
19:30 – 20:00 : Safety Briefing
Sunday, July 3 2022
Competition Flying Days
Thursday July 7 2022
20:30 Prize-giving and Closing Ceremony
Daily schedule
09:30 - Departure to Take Off
11:30 - Task and Meteorology Briefing
17:00 - Scoring Opens
19:00 - Check-in deadline
19:30 - Provisional results
Accommodation and Activities
Kurşunlu Student Dormitory (Free Accommodation)
(Payable hotels with special price for Competition Pilots)
İpeksoy Thermal SPA & Resort https://www.ipeksoythermal.com.tr/
Andinata Hotel Şekerler Termal http://www.andinataotel.com/
The organizer of the event has reached an agreement with the following hotels closest to the flight area, and the competing pilots will be able to apply for the following fees:
İpeksoy Thermal SPA & Resort https://www.ipeksoythermal.com.tr/
Single room / daily / Bed & breakfast 250 TL (16€)
Double room / daily / Bed & breakfast 450 TL (28€)
Triple room / daily / Bed & breakfast 600 TL(38€)
Andinata Hotel Sekerler Termal http://www.andinataotel.com/
Single room / daily / Bed & breakfast 200 TL (12,5€)
Double room / daily / Bed & breakfast 400 TL (25€)
Kurşunlu Korkut Ata Otel
Bed and breakfast 140 TL (9€)
Phone: +905394083485
Web Site: www.korkutataotel.com
Note: Athletes who want to stay at the hotel are recommended to make a reservation at least 20 days before the competition.
How to get here
HQ and Accomodation will be the same place.
Kurşunlu is located in the North of Turkey 170 km to the North from Ankara and 430 km East from Istanbul.
The nearest airport is Ankara. However, it is possible for pilots to prefer Istanbul Airport in Istanbul. Istanbul Kurşunlu 430 km and Istanbul Samsun buses pass through the city.
From İstanbul By Bus
To get to Bayramoren from Istanbul pilots may take buses from Harem Bus station in Anatolian side or Esenler Bus station in European side. There is a RAM from Airport to Esenler bus station each 20 minutes till 00:00 o’clock.
Use any Istanbul-Samsun intercity bus to arrive Kursunlu Town. There are available minibuses in Kursunlu Town to Bayramoren Town.
From Ankara By Bus
Use Ankara-Cankiri intercity bus company "Ozlem Turizm" which departs from Ankara main bus station called A.S.T.I. to arrive Cankiri Town.
06:30 , 08:00 , 09:15 , 10:45 , 12:30 , 13:30 , 14:45
16:30 , 17:30 , 18:30 , 19:30 , 20:00 , 20:30
At Cankiri, you have to take another bus departing to Kursunlu Town. Last bus departs to Kursunlu at 20:30
You can also directly go to Kursunlu from Ankara if you catch these bus; departing at 08:30 , 12:30 , 15:30
There are available minibuses in Kursunlu Town to Bayramoren Town. Total trip time is around 3 hours
From Ankara there are buses to Çankırı and to Kurşunlu - a small town 20 km far from Bayramören.
Bus routes and schedule can be found here:
R7Q8+P8 Kurşunlu/Çankırı, Türkiye
Bayramören /Çankırı Turkey
Waypoint files

Meet Director
- Semih SAYIR
- semihsayir@gmail.com
- +905425251370
- alidemiron@hotmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Tasks and results

Task 1
02 Jul, 2022
73.3 km — Race to goal

Task 1
03 Jul, 2022
73.3 km — Race to goal

Task 2
04 Jul, 2022
66.5 km — Race to goal

Task 3
05 Jul, 2022
54.2 km — Race to goal

Task 4
06 Jul, 2022
74.7 km — Race to goal

Task 5
07 Jul, 2022
61.2 km — Race to goal