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Event info
The British Sports Trophy will be an FAI event, scoring full WPRS points. It will be open to all pilots flying wings that are certified EN-C and below.
This is the second British Sports event (formerly called a Champs.
Flying site
Gemona located in the North East of Italy has hosted a number of international PWC and CAT 2 events over the years.
The Gemona flying arena has a great variety with a mix of Alpine and Flatland possibilities.
- left before start of event
Registration will open on
07/01 19:00 (Europe/Rome)
Live trackers supplied
The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring
Helicopter rescue
The region supports helicopter rescues
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Good phone coverage
The region generally has good phone coverage
Radio coverage
We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly
Live trackers mandatory
Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. The organiser will provide the trackers.
Launch Transport
There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch
Retrieve included
There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ
Tracklogs managed
The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
ID Cards
The organisers will give you an ID card with all the essential items listed
There will be a social evening with food
There will be an organised party during or after the event
Live music
There will be live music or a DJ at the event
Free gift
You will receive a tshirt or other welcome gift
Carbon offset / Plant a Tree
The organisers have commmitted to Carbon Offset the event and/or Plant a Tree for each competitor
Plastic reduction
The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Leisure Class
- Overall Winner
- Britsh Sports Champs
- British Leisure Class
- Lady class
- British Lady class
- Polish (for fun)
Event Queries
- Registration Administrator
- admin@pgcomps.org.uk
Event info
The British Sports Trophy will be an FAI event, scoring full WPRS points. It will be open to all pilots flying wings that are certified EN-C and below.
This is the second British Sports event (formerly called a Champs). The first was held in 2021, also in Gemona. We have decided to keep the event in Gemona for 2022 as Covid prevented many pilots from participating in the 2021 edition. The events objectives are to find a British Sports Champion whilst offering an environment for up and coming pilots to compete on a more level playing field, without having to fly in tasks designed more for 2-liner gliders. We are sure to attract a high level of pilots flying EN-B and EN-C wings that can demonstrate what is possible to achieve while still remaining in most pilots comfort zone.
- The Event will be limited to 100 Pilots mainly to allow everyone to fly with a little bit less stress.
- The Covid situation will have hopefully settled down by the time of the competition but in the case it is required, additional Covid related measures will be discussed prior to the event.
- The event will have a full Flymaster Live tracking system present for safety.
- Daily debriefs of the tasks flown, lines selected and discussions of what did and didn't work.
Selection and entry fee
Registration for the British Sports Trophy, Gemona, Italy will be processed as follows:
- All pilots may register from 7th January at 18:00 UTC (19:00 in mainland Europe)
- BHPA members, with a British (BHPA) Sporting Licence, will be offered places before other nations, in the order of registration*
- Other nationalities will receive payment offers around 14 days later. The selection order is according to the method below new for 2022#
- 15% (15 places) are reserved for female pilots until 60 days before the start of the event.
- Up to 10 places are reserved for wildcards
- The organisers reserve the right to vary the above method at their discretion at all times
*Section 7 rules dictate only a maximum of 75% of places can be offered to the host nation at the outset. We will therefore offer the first 70 pilots that registered, in the first instance, according to the order they were put top the waiting list. A further 5 places will be offered by Wildcard allocation.
# The first 50% of the places are selected according to WPRS. Any remaining places will be selected according to Time Registered. The above selection criteria will be adhered to throughout. This rule is new for 2022, and has been put in place to allow lower ranked, but keen, pilots the opportunity to participate.
Your place at the competition is not confirmed until we have received your payment. The Pilot Lists show the current status of your registration.
Once the competition is full, pilots will be added to a waiting list and then, if a place becomes available, it will be offered to the next pilot on the list. When you receive an email from us inviting you to pay, you will usually have 7 days to pay before the place is offered to the next pilot on the list.
The event is open to all pilots. However they MUST fulfil the following criteria
- IPPI 4 or 5 qualified (BHPA members must be Pilot rated or above)
- Pilot MUST hold a current FAI Sporting Licence
- Wings are restricted to EN-C and below. EN-D & CCC are disallowed
- Pilots must have recent previous competition experience, for example FAI Cat2, BPCup, GWO, Chabre Open, etc
- 3rd Party insurance
- Medical (travel) insurance
A more complete list of the requirements can be found at the following URL CLICK HERE
The entry fee for 2022 will be £240 (around 290 euro)
Fees and dates will be strictly adhered to. Payments can be made on our website via PayPal with a Credit Card, Debit Card, or using your own PayPal account. PayPal uses data encryption for the protection of your card details. The pilot entry fee includes the fee charged by PayPal for administering your online payment. If you wish to pay for more than one person’s entry fee on-line you must name each pilot in the Paypal notes box.
If you are offered a place at a competition venue, at the start of the competition, then you must pay your pilot entry fee in cash, in the local currency. This is the only time cash will be accepted as payment for your entry.
The pilot entry fee for the competition is set according to the real cost of organizing and hosting the competition. The competitions panel aim to operate as a non profit organisation.
Please Contact Us if you have a difficulty making payment.
Documents required at registration
FAI Sporting Licence
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)
The FAI IPPI card is an International card that states your skill level. It is issued by your National Association and matches the level or your flying Licence
National Licence
The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.
Signed Application form
You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Signed Waiver/Release form
You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Liability Insurance
You must provide the organiser with a copy of your liability (3rd party) insurance documents
Rescue/Medical Insurance
You must provide the organiser with a copy of your medical, rescue and repatriation insurance. You can purchase Global Rescue cover from Airtribune
Cancellation Policy
Any pilot who cancels their registration will be given a refund as follows:
- Cancellation date more than 60 days before competition start date: 50% refund
- Cancellation date between 60 and 30 days before competition start date: 30% refund
- Cancellation date less than 30 days before competition start date: 0% refund
Inability to attend due to Covid related travel reasons is not a reason for a refund of an amount greater than the above percentages and stated times. Please ensure you have adequate travel insurance to cover any last minute cancellations.
Cancellation of a Competition by the Organization ie Covid19 interference etc
In the event the organizers deem it necessary to cancel, relocate, or reschedule the competition you will be entitled to a partial refund. This will be on the scale as follows:
- Up to 45 days before the first official event day: 100% less a £50 admin charge
- 45 to 7 days before the first official event day: An amount equivalent to the amount paid less the amount spent by the organisation in preparations up to that time.
- Less than 7 days before the event: No refund will be given.
After the start of the competition any refunds will be at the sole discretion of the organizers.
The organizers will not be liable for any costs incurred by anyone attending, or intending to attend the event, or any consequential losses arising from the cancellation, relocation, or rescheduling of the event.
Prize fund and scoring categories
British Sport Class Champion
Leisure Class (EN-B & Below)
British Leisure Class
Female Class
British Female Class
There will NOT be any cash prizes. There may be some small gifts from some of our sponsors.
*Classes may be withdrawn if there are less than 5 pilots in a class
General schedule
Saturday 9th July
Saturday 9th July
(Only transport to launch + suggested task given)
1st task Sunday 10th July
Last task Saturday 16th July
Saturday 16th July
Daily schedule
08:00 - Transport to take-off
09:30 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
10:00 - Pilots briefing / Previous task official results / Task definition
10:30 - Take-off window opens
16:30 - Scoring office opens
20:00 - Provisional results
*** Daily schedule can change, depending of the weather conditions.
Accommodation and Activities
HQ Landing Accommodation
We have moved our HQ to the new landing field where we are also allowed to camp for free. This will be the best location to find yourself in as everything will be at your fingertips.
The organisers have been working hard to establish a new base in the Gemona region. For those that have been before, you will remember the base was in Hotel Willy, and the goal field was to the south of the town, in a rather inaccessible location. But now there is a new location, which brings everything together, and gives you greater options for the region.
The goal field is located at Bordano, a small village to the northwest of Gemona, just 2km, 10 minutes from the Hotel Willy. This new goal field also has a brand new, dedicated HQ facility, bar and camping field. There are also some local bars etc in walking distance. The goal field is huge, and allows for better and safer tasking for the final glide.
The camping at the goal is FREE. There is very limited electricity available, but water supply is plentiful. There are also toilets and showers (male and female, 3 cubicles for each).
For those that prefer to stay at the Hotel Willy, you will find great rooms there, or they have their own camping facilities. Electric and shade is more available at the Hotel Willy, and the showers are on a par. You will have to drive to the Goal/HQ daily, but we may be able to offer some transport for this.
Hotel Willy is a large hotel is situated around 10 minutes drive from the HQ at Bordano. The hotel has a restaurant, bar, tavern, beer garden, take away pizza and other facilities. Camping at Hotel Willy is typically €10 (person and tent / camper). Rooms locally cost from € 25-50 depending on the standard wanted. There are some self-catering options and the campsite also has a restaurant that serves breakfast.
Camping Lago Tre Comuni
The best campsite near Gemona is the "Lake Tre Comuni Camping" one of the most beautiful places in the region (Lake of Tre Comuni).
It's about 8 km from the HQ.
All accommodation infos
The tourist office of Gemona del Friuli
Via Bini 9 - c / o Museo Civico Palazzo Elti
33013 Gemona del Friuli UD
Tel. (0039) 0432 981441 ufficioiat@gemonaweb.it
How to get here
On the google map it may just show as a plough field. But it has now been developed, with a HQ building, Bar, toilets, briefing area, camping and more.
Gemona is situated approximately 150Km from Venice, which has two international airports.
A shuttle service to and from Venice airport will be available immediately preceding and following the competition, if it is needed. Venice airport is around 90 minutes drive from the venue. At Venice airport you can hire cars, use the competition transport or use the rail network for an easy transfer to the Gemona region.
Airport transfer costs can be agreed directly the the driver, Igor, but will be split evenly between the number of pilots in the vehicle. The service is limited to just one shuttle per day. But... it is better to try to get the train to Gemona. It is cheap and fast.
33010 Province of Udine
Gemona Italy
Waypoint files

8 Merus Court, Meridian Business Park, Leicester, LE19 1RJ, United Kingdom

Event Queries
- Registration Administrator
- admin@pgcomps.org.uk
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Not the British Championships
Tasks and results

Task 2
11 Jul, 2022
76.5 km — Race to goal

Task 3
12 Jul, 2022
47.5 km — Race to goal

Task 4
13 Jul, 2022
76.3 km — Race to goal

Task 5
14 Jul, 2022
40.0 km — Race to goal

Task 6
15 Jul, 2022
66.8 km — Race to goal

Task 7
16 Jul, 2022
67.7 km — Race to goal