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Event info

Kopaonik-Raska - the most reckoned Serbian flying site, the place for European Championship 2014, PWC 2013, and a number of prePWCs and National Championships. So this comp is supposed to enjoy a great international attention.

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Flying site

Kopaonik is one of the largest mountain ranges of Serbia. It is located in the central part of the country. Its highest mountain - Pančić's Peak - is 2,017 m ASL. Kopaonik is a National park and the major ski resort of Serbia.

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  • 150 Pilots max allowed
  • 3 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Overall
  • Sport class
  • Female
  • Junior
  • Teams

Event info

Kopaonik-Raska - the most reckoned Serbian flying site, the place for European Championship 2014, PWC 2013, and a number of prePWCs and National Championships. So this comp is supposed to enjoy a great international attention. The event will have race visualisation based on live tracking so come and support your favourites and let it be a fair and fascinating comp. Welcome to Kopaonik!

Flying site

Kopaonik is one of the largest mountain ranges of Serbia. It is located in the central part of the country. Its highest mountain - Pančić's Peak - is 2,017 m ASL. Kopaonik is a National park and the major ski resort of Serbia. It is situated on a relatively flat region, at an altitude of about 1,700 m. This central Kopaonik plateau is called Suvo Rudište. It is surrounded by mountain peaks. To the north and northwest of this plateau stretches Banjski Kopaonik, which is the location of Jošanička Banja spa, whose strong springs' waters reach the temperature of 88 °C (190 °F). Directly below the Suvo Rudište plateau starts the attractive and picturesque valley of the Samokovska River, characterized by its steep run, numerous rapids, falls and gorges.Kopaonik has over 200 sunny days annually and over 160 days covered by snow.

The area of Kopaonik is famous for its landscape and provides fine flying conditions. The flying seson begins in March-April and ends in autumn. The best flying month is August. Clould base depending upon the weather may reach 3500 m. There is an airport nearby so usuaaly the flights hight is liited to 3000 m.
Tasks exceeding 100 km are possible here during summer time. There ware several great paragling events held in Kopaonik and Golija Raska area in PrePWC 2011, PrePWC 2012, PWC 2013, PreEuro 2013 and many others.
You can watch some videos about the past events and their tasks taken at Kopaonik (sorted chrolologically):
By Nebojsa Rosic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp8mNUasOBQ
By Klaudia Bulgakow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIuUBMPWNMI
By Dmitry Korolev: http://vimeo.com/72353537
By Nicole Fedele and Arduino Persello: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIuUBMPWNMI
By Nikola Milivojevic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOB1e2qHNmU

There are 3 main take-off groungs at the mountain Kopaonik.

Take off #1 - Jadovnik 43°19'27" (43.3242)N; 20°44'56" (20.7491)E - 1560m ASL .
S, SSE, SW, WSW exposure. Height above valley is 700-900m. The slope is about 20º-35º and it is covered with grass.
The place is large enough for 150 pilots simultaneous take off. No power lines, no cables or any other hazards. Water for ballast will be provided there as well as mobile toilets. At noon one can find shadow under parasol or trees. There is a helicopter landing place 200m from the take-off and a lot of space for officials and visitors cars parking.
See 360 degree panorama of Jadovnik TO here.
Watch video from Jadovnik TO here.

Take off #2 - Kokorovac 43°21'38" (43.3608)N; 20°46'12" (20.7702)E - 1330m ASL
W, NW, N, NE exposure. Height above valley is 700m.
The slope is 20º - 30º, covered with grass. There is enough space for 20 pilots simultaneous take off. Helicopter landing place is in Josanicka Banja - in the valley in 3,5km away from the take off. Water and toilets are also available.
Watch video from Kokorovac TO here.

Take off #3 - Orlove stene 43°18'40" (43.3113)N; 20°50'21" (20.8392)E - 1740m ASL
E, ENE exposure. Height above valley is 750m.
The slope is 20º - 30º. Can host about 10 pilots for simultaneous take off. No power lines, no cables or other hazards. There is a helicopter landing place 200m from the take-off on the mountain. Big parking area, water, toilets and shadows at your disposal as well.

Others appropriate sites may be used by the Meet Director, after consultation with the Task committee.

Selection and entry fee

before 1st June 2019 = 60 EUR
before 1st August 2019 = 70 EUR
after 1st August 2019 = 80 EUR
60 places is reserved for Serbian pilots until 1st August
After August 19th we'll not receive any payments or confirmations for event!!!

Paypal dudicpredrag@gmail.com
Only for Serbian pilots - Paraglajding klub Golija Raska 160-117151-54 Banca Intesa

With payment of 30 EUR you'll secure your place in competition. You can pay the rest at registration day.

Prize fund and scoring categories

General schedule

Thursday, August 22, 2019
14:00 - 20:30 Official Registration
21:00 Opening ceremony
21:30 Mandatory Safety Briefing
Friday, August 23, 2019
11:30 First competiton briefing
Friday, August 23 - August 25, 2019
Contest flying days
Sunday, August 25, 2019
20:00 Prize-giving and closing ceremony

Reserve date next week 30 Aug - 1 Sep

Daily schedule

08:00 - Headquarters open
08:30 - Deadline for protests of the previous day
09:30 - Transport to take-off
11:20 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
11:30 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task definition
12:30 - Take-off window opens
16:00 - Scoring office opens
18:30 - Safe landing report deadline
21:30 - Scoring office closes
22:00 - Provisional results
23:00 - Complaints resolution published

The daily schedule is subject to change. Any changes to the schedule will be announced by the Meet Director at the Daily Pilot Briefing.

Accommodation and Activities

How to get here

Đake, Serbia
Raska Kopaonik Serbia


General entry requirements for Serbia
1. Valid passport/travel document;
2. Valid visa in the passport, if a Serbian visa is required for passport holders of the respective country;
3. Proof of sufficient funds for staying in Serbia. Sufficient funds are considered to be 50 Euros per day of stay, proved by possession of the appropriate amount of cash, bank statement, traveller's cheques, credit cards or a letter of guarantee;
4. Certificate of vaccination or a note that he/she has not contracted a contagious disease despite coming from an area affected by a pandemic, as defined by the information of the Ministry of Health.
5. If underage children are travelling with one of their parents, it is necessary to submit a relevant certified authorization by the other parent; or if the child is travelling with a third person such authorization is required from both parents or guardian;
6. It is recommended to have a health insurance for the period of stay in Serbia, covering possible medical costs to the amount of not less than 20,000 Euros.

The main airport of Serbia is Belgrade International Airport “Nikola Tesla”. For the info about the Airport, flights departures and arrival please refer to www.beg.aero

Direct transfer Belgrade Airport – Kopaonik
On request, we’ll organize a direct transfer to Kopaonik. The price depends on the number of passengers in the van. Please send us an arrival info (date, flight number, arrival time), your name, and we’ll inform you about the shuttle to Kopaonik.

You can also use public transport (bus) to arrive to Kopaonik from Belgrade.


You can take a bus to Kopaonik from Central Bus station in Belgrade. Take an Airport shuttle service or taxi to Central bus station, and after that a bus to Kopaonik or Raska.

Shuttle service Airport – Centre of Belgrade
Bus number 72
Departure 05:20 AM, departs approx every 30 min until midnight.
Ticket fare: 170 RSD to be paid in the bus.
1 EUR = 113 RSD (prices of 2013)
Bus stop at the Airport:
In front of the terminal building (between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2)
Travel time: About 30-40 min, depending on traffic density.

Mini bus Line A1
Departure 05:00 AM, departs every 20 min until 6,40 PM.
After 6,40 PM departs every 60 min.
Ticket fare: RSD 300 in the bus.

A detailed schedule of shuttle service is provided at web site www.beg.aero

Intercity bus line Belgrade Central Bus Statiion – Kopaonik
Detailed schedule is provided at www.bas.rs
Travel time is aprox 5 hours.

Also, it is possible to travel to the city of Raska, from where we can organize transport to Kopaonik on request. Please send us your name and the time you plan to arrive to Raska, and we’ll inform you about the shuttle to Kopaonik.


If you come from Belgrade the easiest way to reach to Kopaonik is to drive down the highway to Krusevac and then to take the road for Kopaonik. If you want to take a worse road which again is a shorter one then use motorway Belgrade-Kraljevo-Josanickabanja-Kopaonik.

Rent-a-car service
You can rent a car on Belgrade Airport (counter Terminal 2 Level -1), or somewhere in the city:


Taxi Airport – Belgrade Central Bus Station
Available non-stop from Airport. Ask from driver to go to Central Bus Station (in Serbian – „glavna autobuska stanica“).
Fare: aprox 10 EUR.


Waypoint files


PgK Golija Raska
Paraglising mafia
Predrag Dudic
Event director
Zoran Nikolic
Meet director
Zoran Petrovic
Meteo support
Marko Miletic
Retrieve director




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Tasks and results

Task 2

01 Sep, 2019

68.2 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
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