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Event info

Training event for Russian pilots event for a group of paragliders flying in the mountainous area in Roldanillo, Colombia, will be held from 25.01.2021 to 03.02.2021. These competitions are organized for the purpose of live tracking and friendly competition.

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Flying site

Roldanillo is the principal home for paragliding and hang gliding events in Colombia. Located on the west side of the Valle del Cauca at the foot of the Cordillera Occidental the town sits at an elevation of 966 meters and has an average annual temperature of 23°C.

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  • 23 Pilots Confirmed
  • 23 Pilots total registered
  • 30 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 50 Pilots max allowed
  • 2 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • left before start of event
  • 📢

    The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores

    Airtribune blogging

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Overall Class
  • Womens Class
  • Sports Class (EN-C & below)
  • Serials Class (EN-D & below)

Event info

Training event for Russian pilots event for a group of paragliders flying in the mountainous area in Roldanillo, Colombia, will be held from 25.01.2021 to 03.02.2021. These competitions are organized for the purpose of live tracking and friendly competition. We will set some training tasks to practice competitive flying and "just for fun". To get information, please join our whatsapp group.
Be sure to use the airtribune live tracker app on your mobile smartphone. Using mobile phone data has a cost for a week, and we recommend for better coverage Movistar, claro, tigo.
The organizers are pilots Gleb Sukhotsky, Dmitry Samigullin, Denis Pogolsha, Andrey Shalygin.

WhatsApp group: http://chat.whatsapp.com/Jnv99ttW7G7IXwaUNAVHGA

Открытый товарищеский международный чемпионат cross country XC FreeFLy, по парапланеризму в дисциплине "парящий полет" будет проходить в горной местности рядом с городом Рольданильо, Колумбия, в период с 25.01.2021 по 03.02.2021 года. Соревнования проводятся для тренировки спортивных навыков, с целью дружеской конкуренции и состязательности. Тренировочные задачи будут поставлены в целях наработки практики в соревновательных полетах и "просто для удовольствия". Чтобы получить информацию, пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к нашей группе whatsapp.
Организаторы - пилоты Глеб Сухоцкий, Дмитрий Самигуллин, Денис Погольша, Андрей Шалыгин.

Обязательно будет использоваться приложение live tracker Airtribune в вашем мобильном смартфоне. Использование интернета для мобильного телефона платное и мы рекомендуем для лучшего покрытия операторов связи Movistar, claro, tigo.

Flying site

Roldanillo is the principal home for paragliding and hang gliding events in Colombia. Located on the west side of the Valle del Cauca at the foot of the Cordillera Occidental the town sits at an elevation of 966 meters and has an average annual temperature of 23°C.

Flying conditions are generally ideal in January and only a handful of tasks over the past few years have been cancelled. Out and return and cats‐cradle type tasks of up to 120km have been successfully flown in recent events using goals to the north, centre and south of the Valle de Cauca.

Primarily an agricultural region, the Valle de Cauca has excellent infrastructure and plenty of open space to land. Main highways runs along the east and west sides of the valley connected by secondary roads. The central valley area is bisected north‐south by the Cauca river. Agricultural roads and tracks provide access to farmsteads and plantations.

The task area is characterised by the foothills of the Cordillera Occidental to the west, the wide open agricultural valley and smaller grassy hills to the east. Primarily a sugar cane growing area, the valley is easily out‐landable in safety. Very few areas are fenced and access is generally unrestricted. Occasional inundation from the Cauca river presents the only landing hazard in certain areas (dependant on preceding rainfall).

Grape plantations and military bases are off limits. These areas will be marked on maps. Goal fields are available in abundance although must be selected on the basis of the cropping and harvesting cycles. They will be defined and verified by the organisation at least 2 weeks prior to the competition.

Airspace and Other Restrictions: There are airports at Cartago in the north and Tuluá to the southeast that have infrequent military traffic. The Meet Director and event team have daily communication with the air traffic controllers and radio contact during the task.

There is traditionally an extremely high level of cooperation with the civil aviation authority, air traffic control and the event organisation. In previous events domestic flights have been rerouted to avoid the task areas.

The area south of Tuluá has a ceiling of 9000 ft (approximately 2700 m) while to the north is 10,000 ft (approximately 3000 m).

Roldanillo and Valle de Cauca is a ‘friendly’ site suitable for all qualified pilots. The conditions are generally light with 3‐4 m/s maximum climbs. Wind is usually negligible.

The only area of strong climbs and known possible turbulence at the quarry to the south is avoided through sensible tasking.

Close attention is paid at all times to the meteo forecast to ensure tasks take pilots away from the mountains in the later parts of the day to avoid any leeside rotor due to the Pacific breeze.

Thermic breeze enters launch at around 9:00 am and tasks traditionally start at around 11 a.m. Breeze is generally very light throughout the launchable window with conditions occasionally becoming tail‐wind if the meteo indicates a strong Pacific breeze.

Site Safety Record: The area has an excellent safety record with few incidents. Thermic conditions are generally regarded as light and conducive to safe tasking for all levels of pilots. The few accidents in recent events have been generally caused by aborted launches or by inexperienced pilots failing to consider the necessary glide to the valley after thermalling up behind the take off area.

Take off "Aguapanela" D01 N 076 W April 24 14.00 12 41.00 1860

Competition tasks setting issues at Roldanillo:
Tasking will generally keep tp the following established logic:

1. Up to start: Start cylinders will be selected to allow pilots to climb and stabilise in various points close to the western foothills and Roldanillo in areas of known thermic activity. Experience and local knowledge allows us to select points that give various options for gaggles to wait, thus relieving congestion.

2. Start > midday : Flying in the western foothills to take advantage of thermic activity before the valley heats up and becomes active.

3. Midday > early afternoon: Flying out & return or cats cradle type tasks in the valley and utilising the eastern hills.

4. Goal: Located in the central / eastern part of the valley. The end of the speed section will be a cylinder, size & position to be decided by the task setting committee. The goal will be either a cylinder or a line for the end of task.

Maps of task area: Pilots will be issued with an A3 printed waypoint map showing waypoints, restricted areas and topography. Excellent base maps are available from the Colombian cartographic institute.(www.igac.gov.co). Large scale task maps will be available at launch / pilot briefing.

Roldanillo take off video

Selection and entry fee

The size of the entry fee is 30 euros.
For women participation in the competition is free!
You can pay EUR (PayPal) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ofic2021, dudekacrogliders@gmail.com until 20.01.2021
or 37 $ mastercard 5536 9137 6636 3697 until 20.01.2021
or after 25.01.2021 by cash in Roldanillo
Entry fees are spent to pay for the work of the airtribune site and to award the winners.
Taxi to the place of takeoff and return from the route the pilots pay for themselves.

Prize fund and scoring categories


General schedule

The participation period is from January 25-February 3.

Monday, Jan 25, 2021
09:00 - 17:00 - Official Registration and equipment inspection
10:30 - 15:00 - Official training day

Tuesday, Jan 26, - Wednesday, Feb 03, 2021
Contest flying days

Wednesday, Feb 03, 2021
19:00 - Prize-giving and closing ceremony

Период соревновани1 с 25 января 2021 - 3 февраля 2021.

Понедельник 25 января 2021
09:00 -17:00-Официальная регистрация.
10:30 -15:00-официальный тренировочный день

Вторник 26 Января - Среда 03 Февраля 2021 - соревновательные летные дни

Среда 03 Февраля 2021 -19:00-вручение призов и церемония закрытия.

Daily schedule

The day will fly by quickly:
- the night before-information about tomorrow's task in the event blog and in a separate WhatsApp group.
- at 10:30 am task statement, briefing and briefing at the start.
- sending the track before 21: 00. - In the evening, after 21 hours, the participants ' tracks will be processed by FS. COMP, and the results will be uploaded to the airtribune website.

День пролетит незаметно:
- накануне вечером-информация о завтрашнем задании в блоге событий и в отдельной группе WhatsApp.
- в 10:30 утра постановка задачи, брифинг и инструктаж на старте.
- отправка трека до 21:00.
- Вечером после 21 часа треки участников будут обработаны FS. COMP, результаты загружены на сайт airtribune.

Accommodation and Activities

Hotels in Roldanillo

How to get here

Cra. 9 #10 - 05, Roldanillo, Valle del Cauca, Колумбия
Roldanillo Colombia


Most international flights layover in Bogota's "El Dorado International Airport". The international and domestic terminals are connected by a shuttle. From Bogota take the quick domestic flight to Armenia, Pereira, or Cali where you can easily find ground transport to Roldanillo. For cost and convenience we highly recommend you fly into Pereira.
If you would like the organization to pick you up from Cali or Pereira please contact us with a detailed itinerary and plan. We would also appreciate a call or email during your layover in Bogota confirming your on time arrival.
Local airport taxis are safe and offer competitive pricing for 1 or 2 pilots with gear. Groups should contact the organization for pickup. Budget travelers can find buses to Roldanillo from Pereira, Cali, or Armenia. The bus terminals and airports are separate.

Recommended city to fly into. 1 and 15 minute drive to Roldanillo.

The second most important airport in Colombia. Cali's “Alfonso Bonilla Aragon” airport services domestic and international flights and adds new international routs regularly. 2 hour drive to Roldanillo.

Smaller airport and city with less service. 1 and 30 minute drive to Roldanillo.


From the bus terminals in Pereira, Cali, or Armenia look for the Roldanillo's local bus company De Occidente for safe and comfortable transport.
De Occidente: www.deoccidente.com/roldanillo/
The company is comfortable servicing international Paraglide pilots and very helpful.


Waypoint files


OF SLA of Russia
Moscow, www.ofsla.ru
Gleb Sukhotskiy
Meet director
WhatsApp+7(978) 809-98-82
Dmitriy Samigullin
Denis Pogolsha
Andrey Shalygin
So-organizer, Scorer
Viacheslav Kopchinskii
Anton Dontcov




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed

Men     confirmed

# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
Please sign in and register before posting your own classifieds.

Tasks and results

Task 1

27 Jan, 2021

72.9 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 2

28 Jan, 2021

59.2 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 3

29 Jan, 2021

109.0 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 4

31 Jan, 2021

100.2 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 5

01 Feb, 2021

87.6 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 6

02 Feb, 2021

107.0 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:

Task 7

03 Feb, 2021

84.7 km — Race to goal

Task results:
Overall results:
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