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Event info

Polish Paragliding Open 2021 will be held this year in Gemona the Friuli, well recognize spot for many paragliding events in past years. ...

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Flying site

Gemona del Friuli is a historical town located at the foot of the Italian side of the Julian Alps. The region provides a huge playground for task setting both into the flats and along the mountain ridges.

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  • 117 Pilots Confirmed
  • 117 Pilots total registered
  • 250 EUR Entry fee
Go to Pilot List
  • 140 Pilots max allowed
  • 17 Countries presented
  • ✅ All certified wings allowed
  • 🏆 FAI Status = CAT 2 🏅
  • left before start of event
  • Registration will open on
    14/04 18:43 (Europe/Rome)

  • 🛰️

    The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring

    Live trackers supplied
  • 🚁

    The region supports helicopter rescues

    Helicopter rescue
  • ⚕️

    There will be medical rescue services at launch

    Medic on takeoff
  • 📱

    The region generally has good phone coverage

    Good phone coverage
  • 📻

    We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly

    Radio coverage
  • 🛰️

    Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. The organiser will provide the trackers.

    Live trackers mandatory
  • 🚐

    There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch

    Launch Transport
  • 🥾

    There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ

    Retrieve included
  • 🛰

    The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring

    Tracklogs managed
  • 🥪

    There will be daily lunch packs for pilots

    Lunch packs
  • 💳

    The organisers will give you an ID card with all the essential items listed

    ID Cards
  • The organisers will have free WiFi available at HQ

    Free WiFi
  • 🍺

    There will usually be goal beers for winners

    Goal beers
  • 🎉

    There will be an organised party during or after the event

  • 🎵

    There will be live music or a DJ at the event

    Live music
  • 👕

    You will receive a tshirt or other welcome gift

    Free gift
  • 🅰

    This event awards PWCA letters

    PWCA Letters
  • ♻️

    The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles

    Plastic reduction

Prize funds and scoring categories

  • Overall Class
  • Female Class
  • Sport Class
  • Polish Overall
  • Polish Female
  • Polish Sport
  • Polish Teams

Event info

Polish Paragliding Open 2021 will be held this year in Gemona the Friuli, well recognize spot for many paragliding events in past years.

Flying site

Gemona del Friuli is a historical town located at the foot of the Italian side of the Julian Alps. The region provides a huge playground for task setting both into the flats and along the mountain ridges.

The main competition take-off is “Mont Cuarnan”.
It is large and easily allows 5 gliders to take off simultaneously (5 slot launch) with an ample preparation area for up to 150 pilots. The access to the launch is by way of a tarmac road suitable for all vehicle types. However, the organisers prefer that personal cars are not used by competitors and so, transport will be arranged for everyone to get to launch in comfort, every day. The drive is around 40 minutes and would typically be done in one go. Please note that Covid regulations may change this system. The Mont Cuarnan launch is located in the main Julian Alps mountain range and is south facing. The launch site is 900 metres above the valley floor and faces the flatlands of the Friuli region. To the East you have the expanse of the Julian Alps. To the north the range moves towards the Austrian Alps and to the West you have the Dolomites.

Typical tasks would fly in both the Julian Alps and the Dolomites. There are plentiful and easy thermals to keep pilots amused whilst awaiting a start window. The large goal field is located right next to the town.

Gemona del Friuli to historyczne miasto położone u podnóża włoskiej strony Alp Julijskich. W okolicy znajduje się rozległe przedpole co umożliwia układanie konkurencji zarówno w równinach, jak i wzdłuż grzbietów górskich.
Głównym startem zawodów jest „Mont Cuarnan”. Jest to duże startowisko, ktore bez problemów pozwala na start 5 zawodników jednocześnie (start na 5 stanowisk) z obszernym obszarem przygotowań dla maksymalnie 150 pilotów. Dostęp do startu prowadzi drogą asfaltową odpowiednią dla wszystkich typów pojazdów. Jazda trwa około 40 minut i zwykle jest wykonywana za jednym razem. Startowisko na Mont Cuarnan znajduje się w głównym paśmie górskim Alp Julijskich i jest skierowane na południe. Miejsce startu znajduje się 900 metrów nad poziomem doliny i wychodzi na równiny regionu Friuli. Na wschodzie rozciągają się Alpy Julijskie. Na północy pasmo przesuwa się w stronę Alp Austriackich, a na zachodzie w Dolomity.

Typowe konkurencje w poprzednich latach odbywały się zarówno w Alpach Julijskich, jak iw Dolomitach. Miejsce charakteryzuje się także wieloma miejscami aktywnymi termicznie co ułatwia zawodnikom w oczekiwaniu na okno startowe. Tuż obok miasta znajduje się również rozległe lądowisko na wypadek koniecznego lądowania

Selection and entry fee

To reserve a place in the competition, the pilot must register via the Airtribune website. Then, after verification of the ranking, pay the entry fee of 250 euros. There are 75 places reserved for Polish pilots, which will be assigned according to the Polish 2020 ranking. The remaining 60 places will be distributed following WPRS ranking. From May the 7th, if there are any free places, they will be allocated on a “first come first” basis as per the bank transfer confirmation. For pilots registering after May the 15 the entry fee will be 280 euro.

Aby zarezerwować miejsce, pilot musi się zarejestrować poprzez stronę zawodów na serwerze Airtribune. Następnie po weryfikacji rankingu uiścić wpisowe w wysokości 250 euro. Dla polskich pilotów zarezerwowanych jest 75 miejsc, które będą przyznawane według polskiego rankingu 2020. Pozostałych 60 miejsc zostanie rozdysponowanych do końca kwietnia w kolejnych rankingach WPRS. Od 7 maja, jeśli będą wolne miejsca, zostaną one przydzielone na zasadzie „kto pierwszy płaci” zgodnie z data potwierdzenia przelewu. Po 15 maja wpisowe dla nowo rejestrujących pilotów będzie wynosić 280 euro.

Pierwsza selekcja dla polskich uczestników zostanie przeprowadzona w Niedzielę 25.04.21. Od poniedziałku pozostałe miejsca z puli 75 miejsc zostaną przyznane w.g. kolejności zapisów

Documents required at registration

  • Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)

    FAI Sporting Licence
  • The FAI IPPI card is an International card that states your skill level. It is issued by your National Association and matches the level or your flying Licence

    FAI IPPI Card
  • The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.

    National Licence
  • You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Application form
  • You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.

    Signed Waiver/Release form
  • The organiser wishes for you to provide a summary of your experience on arrival.

    Experience summary required
  • You will need to provide photo ID on arrival. This could be Passport, Driving Licence or National ID, for example.

    Identification documents needed
  • You must provide the organiser with a copy of your liability (3rd party) insurance documents

    Liability Insurance
  • You must provide the organiser with a copy of your medical, rescue and repatriation insurance. You can purchase Global Rescue cover from Airtribune

    Rescue/Medical Insurance

Cancellation Policy

Due to global situation related to Covid, the competition can be cancelled by authorities at any time. Situation at the moment in Italy is looking promising and we are hoping to be able to hold the event. The decision will be taken by the end of May. In case of cancellation we are going to refund entry fees minus 30 Euros for our administration cost. If a pilot wish to cancel participation or give a place to other person its possible till end of May. In case of cancelation or replacement we will held 30 euros for our administrative costs.
After the end of May no refunds will be granted unless competition is cancelled

Ze względu na globalną sytuację związaną z Covid, zawody niestety mogą zostać odwołany przez władze w dowolnym momencie. Obecnie sytuacja we Włoszech wygląda obiecująco i mamy nadzieję, że uda nam się zorganizować zawody bez większych przeszkód. Decyzja zostanie podjęta do końca maja. W przypadku rezygnacji zwrócimy opłatę startową pomniejszoną o 30 euro kosztów administracyjnych. Jeśli pilot zechce zrezygnować z udziału i / lub przyznać miejsce innej osobie, jest to możliwe do końca maja. W przypadku anulowania uczestnictwa lub wymiany będziemy zawodników organizator zatrzymuje 30 euro na pokrycie kosztów administracyjnych.
Po 31 maja organizatorzy nie będą przyznawali żadnych zwrotów z wyjątkiem sytuacji, w której zawody zostaną odwołane

Prize fund and scoring categories

There will be some prizes to win, details soon ;)


Polish Championship:

General schedule

12th of June Unofficial training day

16.00 – 20.00 Registration
20.30 General Safety Briefing
21.30 - Welcome snack and drink (we will serve some local products and wine)
13th of June 08.00 Registration (last minute, closing at 08.45)
09.00 Briefing
09.30 Start for take off
11.30 Start race
19.30 End session

14th-17th 09.00 Briefing
09.30 Start for take off
11.30 Start race
19.30 End session

18th of June 09.00 Briefing
09.30 Start for take off
11.30 Start race
18.30 End session
20.30 General party
21.00 Closing Ceremony and party🎉

Accommodation and Activities

We will have camping site available next to landing in Bordano for 5 euros per day, per person. Kids up 12 y.o. can stay free of charge (as long as they are under supervision ;) Camping will be located next to HQ and main goal field for the event. There will be large tent with tables and seats available. There is also bar next to HQ with some food available as well. Sanitary facilities are 6 showers and 6 toilets also close to the HQ and some additional showers/toilets in the football club about 80m away from the HQ

Other options nearby

Camping Area on the Hotel Willy http://www.hotelwilly.com/
-Camping ai Pioppi https://www.aipioppi.it/ ( more expensive)
-Camping Lago Tre Comuni https://www.lago3comuni.com/ (top quality)

How to get here

Gemona Italy


Waypoint files


Bartosz Moszczynski
Warszawski Klub Paralotniowy "Tęcza"
Volo Libero Friuli




Click here for the event WPRS forecast

Women     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
Men     confirmed


Manufacturer =
Model =
Size =
Max Weight =
Certification =

Harness =
# Name Rank Sponsor Glider Status
Category Tagline Participant Email Phone Description Price
Please sign in and register before posting your own classifieds.

Tasks and results

Task 1

13 Jun, 2021

64.5 km — Race to goal

Task 2

14 Jun, 2021

59.9 km — Race to goal

Task 4

16 Jun, 2021

77.9 km — Race to goal

Task 5

17 Jun, 2021

83.7 km — Race to goal

Please sign in first.