- Blog
- Summary
- Details
- Pilots
- Registration
Event info
The Spring Meeting Accuracy Cup, at its 1st edition, is a FAI 2 competition which takes place in a flight zone well known by European HG and PG pilots.
Besides the competition, many different activities will be organized for families, friends and visitors.
Flying site
Travesio is a little town not far from Meduno, in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.
The take off Monte ...
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall
- Female
Event Organiser
- Barbara Sonzogni
- +39 338 4268753
- presidente@legapiloti.it
Event info
The Spring Meeting Accuracy Cup, at its 1st edition, is a FAI 2 competition which takes place in a flight zone well known by European HG and PG pilots.
Besides the competition, many different activities will be organized for families, friends and visitors.
From April 27 to April 28, 2020, a special FAI Accuracy Judges Seminary will be held at the HQ and in the nearby landing area. The Seminar will be open to everybody interested in.
Selection and entry fee
Maximum number of pilots: 30
Number of spots reserved for non-national pilots: minimum 18
Eligibility criteria first paid, first served based
Selection criteria for national pilots first paid, first served based
Selection criteria for non-national pilots first paid, first served based
Bank transfer and Paypal payments are accepted.
Bank Transfer
Make sure that you pay ALL bank transfer charges. Make also sure that you send us your bank transfer
form by email to segreteria@legapiloti.it and don’t forget to mention “your name & Spring Meeting Accu-
racy Cup” as description of your transfer to allow us to track your payment.
Our bank coordinates are: Bank name: Unicredit
Account owner: Aero Club Lega Piloti
Payee address: Via San Miro snc, 23867 Suello (LC), Italy
IBAN Number: IT90Y0200850370000103076076
Click on the following link to proceed with your payment (the amount includes Paypal charges).
Refund policy
In case of no valid tasks, the organisation will return to any participant part of the entry fee. The amount
will be defined on the basis of the expenses afforded by organizers.
If a confirmed pilot withdraws from the competition by March 25, 2020, the entire registration fee will be
refunded, minus 30%, to cover organizational costs. The refund will be made at the end of the competi-
For cancellations received from March 26, 2020 and until the start of the competition there won’t be any
Services included in the entry fee
• ID card & safety/contact information
• Contest numbers
• Lunch pack (training day and each competition day)
• Water on take-off (training day and each competition day)
• Transport to take-off (training day and each competition day)
• Free access to all competition events and parties
• Free internet (Wi-Fi) access at the HQ
• Medical emergency service (training day and each competition day)
• Gadgets
Other services
• Pilots briefing for pilots at their first competition managed by FAI-CIVL personnel
• Briefings in English
• Meteorology daily briefing
• Camping area next to HQ (5 € per day/per person)
Prize fund and scoring categories
Female (with at least 5 participants)
General schedule
Physical registration April 28, 2020 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. , HQ in Travesio
General Pilots’ Briefing April 28, 2020 - 8.30 p.m.
Competition flying days, Dates and schedule
• April 29, 2020 - Official training day
• April 30, 2020 - May 1, 2020 - Competition Flying days
• May 01, 2020 – Rounds until 3.00 p.m. Closing ceremony and prize-giving
Daily schedule
8.15 a.m. - transport to TO
Accommodation and Activities
Next to the HQ there is a sportive center for camping.
The cost per day per person is 5€.
Besides the competition, many different activities will be organized for families, friends and visitors.
How to get here
Meduno is near Pordenone, in the North-East of Italy.
A4 highway Trieste-Venezia - Cimpello exit
Use MEDUNO Station
Nearest Airports are: Venezia - Marco Polo Tessera (VCE) / Trieste - Ronchi dei Legionari (TRS)
33090 Travesio PN, Italia
Travesio (PN) Italy
Waypoint files

23867 Suello, LC, Italy
Event Organiser
- Barbara Sonzogni
- +39 338 4268753
- presidente@legapiloti.it