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Event info
This is the traditional Cross Country flying event of SkyTribe Paragliding Club. 2022 edition will have 6 competition days and it is also a good training oportunity for World Cup Clopotiva, Romania 2022 wich starts right after SXC2022.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Clopotiva is part of the Retezat National Park (http://retezat.ro), one of the highest and most beautiful mountain ranges in Romania. The highest peak is Peleaga, altitude 2509 meters. It's a peak that can be reached fairly easy, crossing from Pelegii meadow.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Helicopter rescue
The region supports helicopter rescues
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Good phone coverage
The region generally has good phone coverage
Radio coverage
We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly
Launch Transport
There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch
Retrieve included
There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ
Toilets on takeoff
There are toilets at, or near, the launch
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Lunch packs
There will be daily lunch packs for pilots
Maps are supplied
The organisers will give you printed maps at registration
ID Cards
The organisers will give you an ID card with all the essential items listed
Free WiFi
The organisers will have free WiFi available at HQ
Free gift
You will receive a tshirt or other welcome gift
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Open
- Sports
- Fun
- Women
- Teams
- RO Open
- RO Sports
- RO Fun
- RO Women
- MD Open
- MD Sports
- MD Fun
- MD Women
- SkyTribe Paragliding Club
- club@skytribe.ro
Event info
This is the traditional Cross Country flying event of SkyTribe Paragliding Club. 2022 edition will have 6 competition days and it is also a good training oportunity for World Cup Clopotiva, Romania 2022 wich starts right after SXC2022.
See you there!
Selection and entry fee
For the remaining places selection is done first paid first served basis.
Registration validation: The registration is only valid once we received the registration fee. Your status is reflected in the participants list page (status will change to "Confirmed"). Please don't forget to send an email to club@skytribe.ro when the payment is complete.
Entry fee
140 EUR if payment is done before March 1st
180 EUR if payment is done after March 1st
Payment methods: Bank Transfer, Cash, PayPal
Bank Transfer in EUR currency
Please transfer 180EUR to:
Organisation Name: Club Sportiv Skytribe
IBAN: RO13 RNCB 0249 1269 8956 0001
BANK: BCR Timisoara, Romania
Currency: RON
Note to Romanian Pilots:
Pentru pilotii de cetatenie romana plata taxei de inscriere se poate face si in moneda locala RON. Cuantumul taxei este de 695 RON daca plata se face pana la data de 1 Martie 2022 si 895 RON incepand cu data de 1 Martie 2022. Nu uitati sa trimiteti e-mail la club@skytribe.ro dupa efectuarea platii.
Transfer bancar in RON
Va rugam transferati 895 RON catre:
Beneficiar: Club Sportiv Skytribe
IBAN: RO13 RNCB 0249 1269 8956 0001
Banca BCR Timisoara, Romania
Moneda: RON
You can also pay securely via PayPal (188 EUR). Click this PayPal link to get on the payment page.
Documents required at registration
FAI Sporting Licence
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)
National Licence
The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.
Signed Waiver/Release form
You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Cancellation Policy
Prize fund and scoring categories
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd Overall
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd Team
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sport Class (EN-C, LTF/DHV 2)
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fun Class (up to EN-B, up to LTF/DHV 1-2)
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd Women
General schedule
Official Registration & Training Day (without retrieval)
13:00-21:00 Pilots registration and welcome desk
Sunday, 19 June 2022
09:00 Mandatory Safety Briefing
11:00 Competition Day
Monday, 20 June - Thursday, 23 June 2022
Competition days
Friday, 24 June, 2022
Competition day & Prize giving ceremony
Daily schedule
09:00 - Deadline for the previous day protests
10:00 - Daily briefing and transportation to Take off
Any other schedule items are subject to Meet Director regulations
Accommodation and Activities
The HQ will be at Centrul de Conferințe Râul Mare - Hotel Brazi, about 750 meters from official landing zone, due to possibility to accommodate pilots and variety of services: restaurant, meeting room, internet: https://goo.gl/maps/5TDCuP8HKgK9f6b36
Hotel Brazi offers accomodation in apartments and double rooms equipped with bathroom, TV, phone and internet access.
21 double rooms are available for 250 lei (~50EUR)/room/night
4 apartments (3 persons) are available for 350 lei (~70EUR)/apartment/night
Guests who book accomodation can also opt for food options:
breakfast (swedish buffet) - 25 lei (~5EUR)/person
dinner - 40 lei (~8EUR)/person
We requests pilots to do the reservation on their behalf. Hereunder the contact details:
e-mail: complexbrazi@gmail.com
Telephone: +40741123505 (Whatsapp available)
Pensiunea Dany - Retezat (Str. Raul Mare 320A, Clopotiva, Jud. Hunedoara) offers accommodation in rooms and features Wi-Fi, a restaurant, bar, a shared lounge and garden. Camping site for tents and campers with access to showers is also available.
For reservations: +40748 304 971 (You can contact the host on Whatsapp/Facebook before booking for price and availability)
Facebook page: Pensiunea Dany
Email: Pensiunea Dany
Booking: https://pensiuneadany.visitorapp.co/
Pensiunea Dany Retezat offers free transport from Hateg (if you travel by bus/train and you arrive in Hateg) if you book accommodation from them.
Other accomodation around HQ : https://www.turistinfo.ro/rau_de_mori/cazare-rau_de_mori/sat-clopotiva/
Free camping very close to the landing zone:
How to get here
DJ686D, România
Clopotiva Romania
Main Airports that you may use:
Timisoara (LRTR/TSR), 157 km by car to Clopotiva
Cluj (LRCL/CLJ), 203 km by car to Clopotiva
Sibiu (LRSB/SBZ), 154 km by car to Clopotiva
Bucharest (LROP/OTP), 434 km by car to Clopotiva
You have to travel to the city of Hateg.
You can use the http://www.autogari.ro/?lang=en website for bus information.
Timisoara: 157 km to Clopotiva via DN6/E70 and DN68 http://goo.gl/maps/FwZx1
Cluj: 203 km to Clopotiva via DN1/E81 http://goo.gl/maps/SAooQ
Sibiu: 154 km to Clopotiva via A1 and DB66/E79 http://goo.gl/maps/kY0Px
Bucharest: 434 km to Clopotiva via A1/E81 and DN7 http://goo.gl/maps/rdlrf
Waypoint files

- SkyTribe Paragliding Club
- club@skytribe.ro