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Event info
The main paragliding event of 2014 welcomes you in the middle of Europe in the mountains of Serbian Kopaonik. This European paragliding site has already hosted PWC in 2013 and dozens of PrePWC and Serbianl Nationals, which always were successful.
Expand page for more detailsFlying site
Kopaonik is one of the largest mountain ranges of Serbia. It is located in the central part of the country. Its highest mountain - Pančić's Peak - is 2,017 m ASL. Kopaonik is a National park and the major ski resort of Serbia.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Overall
- Women
- Nations
General questions
- Zeljko Ovuka
- 38163270974
- ovukazeljko@gmail.com
Event info
The main paragliding event of 2014 welcomes you in the middle of Europe in the mountains of Serbian Kopaonik. This European paragliding site has already hosted PWC in 2013 and dozens of PrePWC and Serbianl Nationals, which always were successful. Kopaonik is famous for its beautiful nature and landscape, fine infractracture of a popular sky and SPA resort and impressive hystoric background. August is the best flying season in Kopaonik and it makes us expect plenty of flying days with long 100km tasks. But the breathtaking views shall not let 150 participating pilots forget that they must define the best - European Champion and Championess. Good luck and safe landing to all!
Selection and entry fee
Prize fund and scoring categories
General schedule
09:00 - 17:00 - Official Registration and equipment inspection
17:30 - 18:30 - Mandatory Safety Briefing
18:30 - 19:30 - Team Leader Briefing
starts 20:30 - Opening ceremony
Monday, August 4, 2014
07:30 - 09:00 - Official training day
Tuesday, August 5, - Saturday, August 16, 2014
Contest flying days
Saturday, August 16, 2014
19:00 - Prize-giving and closing ceremony
Daily schedule
08:30 - Deadline for protests of the previous day
09:00 - Team leader briefing
09:30 - Transport to take-off
11:00 - Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
11:15 - Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task definition
12:30 - Take-off window opens
16:30 - Scoring office opens at the main Headquarter
18:30 - Safe landing report deadline
21:30 - Scoring office closes
22:00 - Provisional results
23:00 - Complaints resolution published
The daily schedule is subject to change. Any changes to the schedule will be announced by the Meet Director at the Daily Team Leader Briefing or Pilot Briefing.
Accommodation and Activities
There are a number of accommodations offered. Please see special proposal in attachment.
How to get here
The HQ will be situated in Family Hotel Angela in Kopaonik, and it will be open every day from 7:30 to 22:00.
Kopaonik is situated some 270 km from Belgrade and it is in South Serbia. We'll organize a transfer from Belgrade to Kopaonik if you ask for it.
Hotel Angela, National Park Kopaonik, Kopaonik, Serbia
Kopaonik Serbia
General entry requirements for Serbia
1. Valid passport/travel document;
2. Valid visa in the passport, if a Serbian visa is required for passport holders of the respective country;
3. Proof of sufficient funds for staying in Serbia. Sufficient funds are considered to be 50 Euros per day of stay, proved by possession of the appropriate amount of cash, bank statement, traveller's cheques, credit cards or a letter of guarantee;
4. Certificate of vaccination or a note that he/she has not contracted a contagious disease despite coming from an area affected by a pandemic, as defined by the information of the Ministry of Health.
5. If underage children are travelling with one of their parents, it is necessary to submit a relevant certified authorization by the other parent; or if the child is travelling with a third person such authorization is required from both parents or guardian;
6. It is recommended to have a health insurance for the period of stay in Serbia, covering possible medical costs to the amount of not less than 20,000 Euros.
The main airport of Serbia is Belgrade International Airport “Nikola Tesla”. For the info about the Airport, flights departures and arrival please refer to www.beg.aero
Direct transfer Belgrade Airport – Kopaonik
On request, we’ll organize a direct transfer to Kopaonik. The price depends on the number of passengers in the van. Please send us an arrival info (date, flight number, arrival time), your name, and we’ll inform you about the shuttle to Kopaonik.
You can also use public transport (bus) to arrive to Kopaonik from Belgrade.
You can take a bus to Kopaonik from Central Bus station in Belgrade. Take an Airport shuttle service or taxi to Central bus station, and after that a bus to Kopaonik or Raska.
Shuttle service Airport – Centre of Belgrade
Bus number 72
Departure 05:20 AM, departs approx every 30 min until midnight.
Ticket fare: 170 RSD to be paid in the bus.
1 EUR = 113 RSD (prices of 2013)
Bus stop at the Airport:
In front of the terminal building (between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2)
Travel time: About 30-40 min, depending on traffic density.
Mini bus Line A1
Departure 05:00 AM, departs every 20 min until 6,40 PM.
After 6,40 PM departs every 60 min.
Ticket fare: RSD 300 in the bus.
A detailed schedule of shuttle service is provided at web site www.beg.aero
Intercity bus line Belgrade Central Bus Statiion – Kopaonik
Detailed schedule is provided at www.bas.rs
Travel time is aprox 5 hours.
Also, it is possible to travel to the city of Raska, from where we can organize transport to Kopaonik on request. Please send us your name and the time you plan to arrive to Raska, and we’ll inform you about the shuttle to Kopaonik.
If you come from Belgrade the easiest way to reach to Kopaonik is to drive down the highway to Krusevac and then to take the road for Kopaonik. If you want to take a worse road which again is a shorter one then use motorway Belgrade-Kraljevo-Josanickabanja-Kopaonik.
Rent-a-car service
You can rent a car on Belgrade Airport (counter Terminal 2 Level -1), or somewhere in the city:
Taxi Airport – Belgrade Central Bus Station
Available non-stop from Airport. Ask from driver to go to Central Bus Station (in Serbian – „glavna autobuska stanica“).
Fare: aprox 10 EUR.
Waypoint files

11 000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contact: Zeljko Ovuka
Tel: +38163270974
Email: ovuka@vss.rs
General questions
- Zeljko Ovuka
- 38163270974
- ovukazeljko@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Challenging competition in unusual conditions
This year was very difficult for paragliding comps all over the world. And our championship was not an exclusion. When in previous years we got used to 4000+ cloud base this year we were limited to 3000 at most. Besides strong winds and rains forced us to cancel many days. Still with all possible respect to safety we managed to have 4 valid tasks. Our team worked hard for the organization of this event and we are glad all pilots returned back safe. We congratulate the winners and wish every one new achievements and happy landings!

- Seiko FUKUOKA NAVILLE (5609)
- Petra Slivova (112)
- Yvonne Dathe (330)
First ladies-pilots in Europe!
Women resultsTasks and results

Task 1
09 Aug, 2014
59.2 km — Race to goal

Task 2
10 Aug, 2014
62.3 km — Race to goal

Task 3
11 Aug, 2014
88.2 km — Race to goal

Task 4
12 Aug, 2014
59.0 km — Race to goal

Task 6
15 Aug, 2014
54.5 km — Race to goal