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Event info
El Fly in Chiquimula 2024 se desarrollará del 23 al 28 Enero del 2024 en la Rampa Villafuerte en Chiquimula, Guatemala. Sitio donde se han desarrollado competencias internacionales con validez FAI. En Competencias previas han sido Ganadores Zion Sussano, Josh Cohn, Jurij Vidic.
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La rampa Villafuerte se encuentra ubicada en la Aldea, Saspan.
El despegue se encuentra a una altura de 980 metros sobre
el nivel del mar.
El aterrizaje 380 metros, sobre el nivel del mar.
La distancia entre el despegue y aterrizaje es de 4 kilómetros.
- left before start of event
Registration will open on
29/11 23:10 (America/Guatemala)
Helicopter rescue
The region supports helicopter rescues
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Good phone coverage
The region generally has good phone coverage
Radio coverage
We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly
Launch Transport
There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch
Retrieve included
There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ
Toilets on takeoff
There are toilets at, or near, the launch
Tracklogs managed
The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Ballast on takeoff
There will be ballast water available at launch
Lunch packs
There will be daily lunch packs for pilots
Free WiFi
The organisers will have free WiFi available at HQ
Goal beers
There will usually be goal beers for winners
There will be an organised party during or after the event
Live music
There will be live music or a DJ at the event
Plastic reduction
The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles
- Luis Yepez
- +52 1 722 600 7608
- yepezgofly@gmail.com
- Kliber Pereira
- +584145914131
- kliber@gmail.com
Event info
El Fly in Chiquimula 2024 se desarrollará del 23 al 28 Enero del 2024 en la Rampa Villafuerte en Chiquimula, Guatemala. Sitio donde se han desarrollado competencias internacionales con validez FAI. En Competencias previas han sido Ganadores Zion Sussano, Josh Cohn, Jurij Vidic.
Se hace la invitación a todos los pilotos de nivel intermedios y Avanzado que estén interesados en disfrutar del vuelo en la zona Oriente de Guatemala. Tendremos guías en vuelo para vuelos de XC, Aterrizaje de precisión, concurso de disfraces en vuelo.
The Fly in Chiquimula 2024 will take place from January 23 to 28, 2024 at the Villafuerte Ramp in Chiquimula, Guatemala. Site where international competitions with FAI validity have been held. In previous Competitions, Zion Sussano, Josh Cohn, and Jurij Vidic have been Winners.
An invitation is made to all intermediate and advanced level pilots who are interested in enjoying flying in the Eastern area of Guatemala. We will have in-flight guides for XC flights, precision landing, in-flight costume contest among other things.
Selection and entry fee
Los participantes al evento gratuito, tienen derecho a los siguientes beneficios;
• Para los pilotos internacionales, habrá transporte gratis de la ciudad de Guatemala-Chiquimula el día 22 de Enero y regreso, Chiquimula-Guatemala, el día 29 de Enero
• Transporte diario de los hoteles al despegue y regreso por la tarde
• Retrival sobre la ruta planeada los dÍas de vuelo de XC
• Nivel intermedio o Avanzado. Pilotos de menor nivel debe venir con Instructor certificado.
• Contar con equipo completo (Parapente, Arnés, Paracaídas, radio vhf)
• Para acceder a los premios, deberá participar en el Fly in al menos 5 días de los 6 que dura el evento, de lo contrario el premio se otorgara al lugar inmediato siguiente que cumpla este requisito
• Seguro de gastos medicos
• Firma de responsiva
Participants in the free event are entitled to the following benefits;
• For international pilots, there will be free transportation from Guatemala City-Chiquimula on January 22 and return, Chiquimula-Guatemala, on January 29
• Daily transportation from hotels to takeoff and return in the afternoon
• Retrieval on the planned route on XC flight days
• Intermediate or Advanced level. Lower level pilots must come with a certified instructor.
• Have complete equipment (Paragliding, Harness, Parachute, vhf radio)
• To access the prizes, you must participate in the Fly in at least 5 days of the 6 days that the event lasts, otherwise the prize will be awarded to the next place that meets this requirement.
• Medical expenses insurance
• Liability Waiver
Documents required at registration
National Licence
The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.
Signed Application form
You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Signed Waiver/Release form
You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Experience summary required
The organiser wishes for you to provide a summary of your experience on arrival.
Identification documents needed
You will need to provide photo ID on arrival. This could be Passport, Driving Licence or National ID, for example.
Rescue/Medical Insurance
You must provide the organiser with a copy of your medical, rescue and repatriation insurance. You can purchase Global Rescue cover from Airtribune
Cancellation Policy
Prize fund and scoring categories
• Aterrizaje de precisión 500 dólares primer lugar, 200 segundo lugar, 100 tercer lugar
- Mejor disfraz, premio por definir
• There will be a raffle for an Advance brand new Paraglider. The prize winner will be able to choose the Paraglider of his size and choice of category A, B, BH. The delivery of the new Paraglider will be agreed upon with the organization, in Guatemala or Mexico within the period that the manufacturer gives us the delivery date.
• Precision landing $500 first place, $200 second place, $100 third place
- Best costume, prize to be defined
General schedule
Transporte de pilotos en el Aeropuerto Internacional de la Aurora, ciudad de Guatemala a Chiquimula.
Martes 23, Miércoles 24, Jueves 25, Viernes 26
Vuelos de XC Guiados por Instructores que conocen la zona
Sábado 27
- Concurso de aterrizaje de precisión
- Fiesta de clausura y Rifa de Parapente Advance
Domingo 28
Concurso de disfraces en vuelo, fiesta de clausura y Rifa de Parapente Advance
Monday 22
Transportation of pilots from the Aurora International Airport, Guatemala City to Chiquimula.
Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th, Friday 26th
XC Flights Guided by Instructor who knows the area
Saturday 27
- Precision landing contest
- Closing party and Advance Paragliding Raffle
Sunday 28
In-flight costume contest, closing party and Advance Paraglider Raffle
Daily schedule
08:00 - Transporte al despegue
10:00 - Reunión del Director / Comité de tareas y seguridad
10:15 - Reunión informativa de los pilotos / Resultados oficiales de la tarea anterior / Definición de la tarea
10:30 - Se abre la ventana de despegue
16:00 - Apertura de la oficina de puntuación
21:00 - Resultados provisionales
07:00 - Opening of the headquarters
08:00 - Transportation to takeoff
10:00 - Director's Meeting / Tasks and Safety Committee
10:15 - Pilot briefing / Official results of the previous task / Task definition
10:30 - Takeoff window opens
16:00 - Opening of the scoring office
21:00 - Provisional results
Accommodation and Activities
Parque de Aventuras NV Lodging
Tlf: +502 49955081
HQ. Hotel, Los Laureles
Km 175.5 carretera a Ipala, Sabana Grande, Chiquimula, Guatemala, CA.
Contacto: +502 30728403
Hotel, Gran Villa De Oriente
Km. 169 Ruta a Esquipulas, Chiquimula
Contacto: (502) 7942-2268
How to get here
Tendremos transporte disponible para los pilotos al arribar al aeropuerto la Aurora en Ciudad de Guatemala.
PFX6+HR Aldea Sábana Grande, Guatemala
Chiquimula Guatemala.
We will have transportation available for pilots upon arrival at La Aurora airport in Guatemala City.
PFX6+HR Aldea Sábana Grande, Guatemala
Chiquimula Guatemala
Vía sin nombre, Guatemala
Chiquimula Guatemala
Waypoint files

- Luis Yepez
- +52 1 722 600 7608
- yepezgofly@gmail.com
- Kliber Pereira
- +584145914131
- kliber@gmail.com