- Blog
- Summary
- Details
- Pilots
- Results
- Registration
Event info
Polish Paragliding Open 2020 is international competition, that aims to give pilots chance to have safe and fair competition in this difficult times. The organizer's goal is to host high quality racing event dedicated to Polish and international pilots.
- left before start of event
Live trackers supplied
The organiser will supply Live trackers to you, for safety and scoring
Helicopter rescue
The region supports helicopter rescues
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Retrieve included
There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ
Lunch packs
There will be daily lunch packs for pilots
Plastic reduction
The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Women
- Sport
- Overall
- Team
- Polish
- Polish Sport
General Organizer
- Klaudia Bulgakow
- polishsccup@gmail.com
General Organizer
- Michal Gierlach
- polishsccup@gmail.com
Event info
Polish Paragliding Open 2020 is international competition, that aims to give pilots chance to have safe and fair competition in this difficult times. The organizer's goal is to host high quality racing event dedicated to Polish and international pilots.
50 places will be reserved till 20.08.20 to polish pilots. Other 50 places to international pilots, following the rule who pays first compete.
Zawody Polish Paragliding Open 2020 są otwartymi (międzynarodowymi) zawodami paralotniowymi, bez rangi Mistrzostw Polski. Celem organizatora jest zapewnienie polskim pilotom szansy wystartowania w dedykowanych dla nich zawodach oraz zapewnienie możliwie wysokiego sprawiedliwego poziomu współzawodnictwa.
Klasyfikacja będzie prowadzona w kategorii generalnej, kobiecej, drużynowej oraz w klasie sport.
Do dnia 20.08.2020 50 miejsc jest zarezerwowanych jest dla pilotów z polskimi licencjami FAI wydanymi przez Aeroklub Polski. 50 pozostałych miejsc zostanie pilotom zagranicznym na zasadzie kto pierwszy zapłaci, ten startuje.
Selection and entry fee
50 places for Polish pilots
Remaining places are for foreign pilots, distributed on the first come first serve basis
Entry fee:
230 EUR (if participant pay reservation pre payment of 80 EUR until 20th August)
260 EUR (late payment after 20h August or at HQ)
80 EUR place reservation (+150 EUR in cash, at the check-in)
The organizer provides:
‣ transport to the take-off
‣ livetracking with Flymaster devices
‣ retrieve
‣ medical support on take-off
‣ Flycard
‣ competition t-shirt
‣ 1 dinner
‣ competition map
‣ prizegiving ceremony
Refund Policy:
If you cancel before 31.08.2020 you will receive refund of the entry fee you've paid minus 20 EUR
If you cancel after 31.08.2020 you will receive the refund only if the pilot list is full and there is a pilot, who will take your place. Cancelations refunds due to COVID corelated travle restrictions apeared after 31.08.2020 will be analysed on individual basis.
If the competition is cancelled, pilots will receive refund minus 30 EUR to cover organisational costs.
Account Number:
moje konto w Euro
Michał Gierlach
Alior Bank
(please make sure that you cover transfer costs)
50 miejsc jest zarezerwowanych dla polskich pilotów do 15.08.2020
230 EUR (80 euro opłaty rezerwacyjnej do 20.08.2020 +150 w biurze zawodów)
260 EUR po 20.08.2020 (80 euro opłaty rezerwacyjnej + 180 euro w biurze zawodów)
Organizator zapewnia:
‣ transport na start
‣ livetracking na urządzeniach Flymaster
‣ zwózkę po konkurencji
‣ zabezpieczenie medyczne
‣ drugie śniadanie (woda, owoce oraz kanapki lub batoniki)
‣ Flykarta
‣ mapę z punktami zwrotnymi
‣ koszulkę zawodow
‣ ceremonię zakończenia
‣ 1 kolację w trakcie zawodów
‣ puchary, medale, dyplomy i nagrody
Wpłaty prosimy robić na poniższy numer konta:
Michał Gierlach
Alior Bank
Prize fund and scoring categories
- Sport: 1°, 2°, 3°
- Women: 1°, 2°, 3°
- Team
General schedule
17:00 - 20:000 Registration and welcome drink
Monday, September 14 - Saturday, September 19
Contest flying days
Saturday, September 19
Last contest day and
19:00 - Prize-giving and closing ceremony
Daily schedule
08:00 Headquarter opens
08:00-10:00 Transport to take-off
10:30 Meet Director / Task and Safety Committee meetings
11:00 Pilots' briefing / Previous task official results / Task briefing
12:00-18:00 Take-off window opens
20:00 Provisional results
Accommodation and Activities
For accommodation and activities visit www.vivereilgrappa.it
How to get here
A22 Brennero (exit Trento - SS Valsugana)
A4 Torino - Milano - Venezia (exit Padova Ovest)
A31 Vicenza - Piovene Rocchette (exit Dueville)
Bassano del Grappa train station has the following connections: Venice, Padova, Trento.
For more information visit www.trenitalia.com
The nearest airports to Bassano del Grappa are : Venezia - Marco Polo Tessera (VCE) / Treviso - A. Canova (TSF)
Borso del Grappa Italy
Waypoint files

General Organizer
- Klaudia Bulgakow
- polishsccup@gmail.com
General Organizer
- Michal Gierlach
- polishsccup@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Tasks and results

Task 1
15 Sep, 2020
40.6 km — Race to goal

Task 3
16 Sep, 2020
97.8 km — Race to goal

Task 4
17 Sep, 2020
53.4 km — Race to goal

Task 5
18 Sep, 2020
0.0 km — Race to goal

Task 6
19 Sep, 2020
49.2 km — Race to goal