- Blog
- Summary
- Details
- Pilots
- Results
- Registration
Event info
The Cup Piedechinche-Atmoxfera, has a tradition of 18 years in Colombia, This year climatic conditions promise many kilometers in the competition.
The club Halcones de Cali and the Organization Cup Piedechinche-Atmoxfera reminds them of the invitation to the federated pilots to participate in the 18th 2022 Open FAI 2 Cup to be held from 13-20-Agu- 2022.
Flying site
Pie de Chinche is located in El Cerrito mountains in Cordillera Occidental between Cali and Tulua. While flying you can enjoy the beautiful views of the Valle de Cauca fields surrounding river Cauca and it's numerous tributaries.
Expand page for more details- left before start of event
Registration will open on
21/03 00:00 (America/Bogota)
Medic on takeoff
There will be medical rescue services at launch
Good phone coverage
The region generally has good phone coverage
Radio coverage
We will be monitoring radios for your safety whilst you fly
Live trackers mandatory
Live Tracking is MANDATORY in this event to score. You must provide your own livetracker.
Launch Transport
There will be vehicles supplied to take you to launch
Retrieve included
There will be retrieve vehicles available to return pilots to HQ
Toilets on takeoff
There are toilets at, or near, the launch
Tracklogs managed
The organisers will download the tracklogs at HQ for scoring
Airtribune blogging
The organisers are using Airtribune for registration, tracking, blogging and to publish scores
Ballast on takeoff
There will be ballast water available at launch
Lunch packs
There will be daily lunch packs for pilots
Maps are supplied
The organisers will give you printed maps at registration
ID Cards
The organisers will give you an ID card with all the essential items listed
Free WiFi
The organisers will have free WiFi available at HQ
Goal beers
There will usually be goal beers for winners
There will be a social evening with food
There will be an organised party during or after the event
Free gift
You will receive a tshirt or other welcome gift
Carbon offset / Plant a Tree
The organisers have commmitted to Carbon Offset the event and/or Plant a Tree for each competitor
Plastic reduction
The organisers support reducing the use of unnecessary plastic at the event. This includes NOT giving disposable water bottles
Prize funds and scoring categories
- Womens Class
- Serial Class
- Overall Class
- Sport Class
Meet Director
- Daniel Vallejo
- +573004396101
- copaatmoxferapoenfai2@gmail.com
Logistics & Acomodation
- Heyli Johana Gil
- +573155207869
- copaatmoxferapoenfai2@gmail.com
- Lucho Fercho
- +573155826156
- airetupal@gmail.com
Event info
The Cup Piedechinche-Atmoxfera, has a tradition of 18 years in Colombia, This year climatic conditions promise many kilometers in the competition.
The club Halcones de Cali and the Organization Cup Piedechinche-Atmoxfera reminds them of the invitation to the federated pilots to participate in the 18th 2022 Open FAI 2 Cup to be held from 13-20-Agu- 2022.
Evento FAI No. 15525
La copa Piedechinche-Atmoxfera, tiene una tradición de 18 años en Colombia, Este año las condiciones climáticas prometen muchos kilómetros en la competencia.
El club Halcones de Cali y la Organización Copa Piedechinche-Atmoxfera, les recuerda la invitación a los pilotos federados para participación en la 18ava Copa de 2022 Open FAI 2 a realizarse los días 13-20-Agosto- 2022
Selection and entry fee
Pilots must have an insurance with a coverage for paragliding in Colombia, the pilots must verify the validity of their insurance administered by the government or private company in the country where the competition takes place (PIEDECHINCHE-COLOMBIA).
It is strongly recommended to inform the local contact of your insurance company to avoid delays.
It is the responsibility of the pilot to ensure that their own insurance coverage is adequate.
Requirements for participants (pilots)
- Valid FAI pilot license
- Flying equipment: Wing, harness, rescue, helmet, radio, GPS (All the equipment must be in perfect conditions)
- Radio
- Paid registration fee.
- Complete registration form filled before comp starts
- Accept and Respect local valid regulations and laws.
- Medical insurance. With coverage for paragliding practice in Colombia. Must present contract copy . If pilot does not have this insurance, it must be purchased locally.
The entry fee includes:
- Shirt
- Waypoint list
- Transportation from La Sede to the take off
- Retrieve on main roads for daily tasks
- Daily snack and hydration
- Map
- Live Trackers
Note: The use of 2m radios for national and foreign pilots in this event will be managed by local authorities. The communication system will be as follows: a radio station with air band and 2m radios operated by qualified people with valid licenses. This radio station will be in charge of communication between ATC (air traffic control), meet director and will be generating reports in case of emergencies, rescue and other needs between pilots and the organization.
Documents required at registration
FAI Sporting Licence
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)
National Licence
The organiser requires you to present your National flying licence.
Signed Application form
You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Signed Waiver/Release form
You will need to sign a waiver or release document to show you understand the risks. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Experience summary required
The organiser wishes for you to provide a summary of your experience on arrival.
Identification documents needed
You will need to provide photo ID on arrival. This could be Passport, Driving Licence or National ID, for example.
Cancellation Policy
Any pilot who cancels their registration will be given a refund as follows:
- Cancellation date more than 20 days before competition start date: 50% refund
- Cancellation date less than 15 days before competition start date: 0% refund
Inability to attend due to Covid related travel reasons is not a reason for a refund of an amount greater than the above percentages and stated times. Please ensure you have adequate travel insurance to cover any last minute cancellations.
Cancellation of a Competition by the Organization ie Covid19 interference etc
In the event the organizers deem it necessary to cancel, relocate, or reschedule the competition you will be entitled to a partial refund. This will be on the scale as follows:
- Up to 30 days before the first official event day: 100% less a €30 admin charge
- 30to 7 days before the first official event day: An amount equivalent to the amount paid less the amount spent by the organisation in preparations up to that time.
- Less than 7 days before the event: No refund will be given.
After the start of the competition any refunds will be at the sole discretion of the organizers.
The organizers will not be liable for any costs incurred by anyone attending, or intending to attend the event, or any consequential losses arising from the cancellation, relocation, or rescheduling of the event.
Prize fund and scoring categories
OPEN 1, 2, 3
SPORT 1, 2, 3
SERIAL 1,2,3
FEMALE 1, 2, 3
General schedule
Aug 13, 2022: Training Day and Registration
Aug 14 to 16, 2022: Days of competition
Aug 20, 2022: Awards
09:00 - 16:00 - Official Registration and equipment inspection
16:30 - 19:30 - Mandatory Safety Briefing
20:30 - Opening ceremony
Aug 13, 2022: Dia de entrenamiento e Inscripciones
Aug 14 to 20, 2022: Días de competencia
Aug 20, 2022: Premiación
Daily schedule
07:30 - general briefing at headquarters
08:00 - Transport to take-off site
10:00 - Informative takeoff meeting
10:30 - Start of take-off
16:30 - Delivery of the GPS
19:00 - Publication of provisional results
07:00 - Reclamaciones y visualización de los resultados oficiales
07:30 - sesión informativa general en la sede
08:00 - El transporte al sitio de despegue
10:00 - Reunión informativa en el despegue
10:30 - Inicio de despegue
16:30 - Entrega de los gps
19:00 - Publicacion de los resultados provisionales
Accommodation and Activities
Tel wapp: +57 316 8687881 - 3105006274
E-mail: siga.lavaca@hotmail.com
How to get here
Registro y Alojamiento
Transporte terrestre terminal transportes Cali, Coodetrans Palmira Versalles El Placer, taxi sede Siga la vaca Santa elena, https://goo.gl/maps/jPk73dxjQY88GNvA7
En Avion: bus desde el aeropuerto, primer piso, ruta Palmira, terminal, luego bus hasta El Placer, tomar taxi sede Siga la vaca Santa elena
Santa Elena, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
El Cerrito Colombia
The nearest airport is Cali. That is connect by Avianca flights to Bogota.
At the first floor of the airport building there is a bus station, Take a bus to Palmira, and there change for a bus to El Placer. From there take a taxi to headquarters:
It take about 1 hour to get there by taxi. Take a taxi from Cali airport to Palmira and El Placer. See route: https://goo.gl/maps/Wbo7y
Desde el terminal de transportes de Cali, Coodetrans Palmira Versalles, El Placer, tomar taxi sede Siga la vaca Santa elena https://goo.gl/maps/Wbo7y
Waypoint files

Av 6 AN 23-87 Cali Colombia
Tel: +57 300 43 96 101
Email: parapentecali@gmail.com

Av 6 AN 23-87 Cali Colombia
Tel: +57 3155207869

Tel : +573155826156
Meet Director
- Daniel Vallejo
- +573004396101
- copaatmoxferapoenfai2@gmail.com
Logistics & Acomodation
- Heyli Johana Gil
- +573155207869
- copaatmoxferapoenfai2@gmail.com
- Lucho Fercho
- +573155826156
- airetupal@gmail.com
Category | Tagline | Participant | Phone | Description | Price |
Piedechinche - Atmoxfera

Sport Class
- Cristofer David Perez Velasco (106)
- Andrés Alvarado (123)
- Jhojan styven Marin orozco (1001)

Serial Class
- Ricardo Gomez Arroyave (369)
- Raul Guerra (120)
- pablo zeballos (699)

Overall Class
- Bernardo Medina sastre (77)
- Juan Gabriel Patino Aguilar (222)
Tasks and results

Task 1
14 Aug, 2022
0.0 km — Race to goal

Task 3
16 Aug, 2022
99.4 km — Race to goal

Task 4
17 Aug, 2022
83.4 km — Race to goal

Task 5
18 Aug, 2022
59.9 km — Race to goal

Task 6
19 Aug, 2022
63.9 km — Race to goal

Task 7
20 Aug, 2022
52.8 km — Race to goal